Easy access to the Internet has radically changed the criteria for choosing products and service providers. Consumers no longer need to settle for “blind” choices. They have access to online reviews from people who have already experienced the products or services offered, with just one click.
nine out of ten consumers check reviews before making a purchase. They do not want to read tea leaves when trying a new business. Online reviews are becoming a vital part of the lives of both consumers and business owners. Online ratings are an essential tool in the development of a marketing agency or any other business. They not only help the target audience learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of your products/services but can also increase revenue, improve reputation, get loyal customers, and much more.
Whether they are good or not, the reviews reflect the brand's reputation on the web. Let's further discuss why online reviews matter for a marketing business and how to use them to develop your brand.
Source: agencyvista.com
With well-known brands, customers know what to expect and likely have their own opinions and experiences that are tied to these businesses. When it comes to your small business, potential customers may be unsure of your reputation and whether you are a credible brand – this is where social proof comes into play.
Reviews help to legitimize your business to anyone discovering your brand for the first time. They may not be comfortable making a purchase or engaging your services without knowing that you are trustworthy, and so feedback from other customers will provide them with the reassurance they need. Reviews can therefore be an extremely powerful asset to your small business, helping to bolster your credibility, influence customer decisions, build confidence in your brand, and show why you're a better choice than your competitors.
Source: itseeze.com
To decide whether it's a real review system or not, Google also relies on genuine feedback done by people on the site of the company. So by hook or crook, reviews will create a Brand Recognition at a very large scale.
Thus, additional expenses on Brand Awareness can be eliminated.
One-to-one peer recommendations, original research, and product reviews are the most influential content in affecting purchase decisions as put by the Content Marketing Institute and SmartBrief.
Source: magecomp.com
Most people search on Google before they make any decisions. Roughly 90 percent of all searchers don't go past the first page of Google. This means that, if your business is not on the first page of Google, you will not be found.
One of the ways to increase your position on search engine results pages is through reviews which have a direct effect on SEO. The more reviews you have with positive ratings, the higher your chances are to eclipse your competitors in search engines such as Google. Google's algorithm is a secret that's kept locked up from the public but the executives have made it clear that reviews play a big role in where your website will be positioned compared to your competitors.
“When you're ranked higher, algorithms and people alike tend to see your website as an authority in your industry, which also leads to more exposure.”
Source: magmarank.com
There are only so many customers and so many sales dollars to go around. No matter what business you're in, you know that you have to bring in your audience before your competitors do. If you gather reviews faster than your competitors, or you continually work on getting new reviews, you'll maintain this advantage. According to a study conducted by Harvard Business School, a one-star improvement to a Yelp score indicates a 5 to 9% increase in revenue.
Source: boast.io
Your brand can build significant trust and credibility from a steady stream of positive reviews.
One of the more interesting findings of recent research is just how powerful reviews are at building your company's online identity.
Many shoppers distrust businesses that have ratings below(or even above) four stars. This leaves a small margin of error at the top, but companies with better average ratings are significantly more likely to see views converted to traffic and sales.
The way customers are talking about you is just as important as the fact that they're saying your name. Having a highly positive footprint will eventually help you drive more sales.
Source: mention.com
If your business does not include online reviews from your customers and there's no way for your visitors to voice their opinion, you never will be able to analyze your market to make improvements. With online reviews, you get to know the good and the bad sides of your business and this helps to better serve your consumers in the future.
With online reviews enabled, your consumers can question your products and services while they can also suggest the changes they'd want to see. This will help businesses to understand what they've been doing wrong and how they can incorporate changes to improve their service.
Source: business2community.com
Today, online reviews are the most powerful, mutually beneficial tool that any business and any consumer can use. People tend to trust other clients' recommendations, so you need to make the most of the customer reviews for your marketing agency.
Monitor new mentions about your company and motivate satisfied customers to share their experience of cooperation with you. We wish prosperity to your company and only positive feedback from customers.
Source: agencyvista.com
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